
Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts

This premier institution Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts, belonging to the Catholic Diocese of Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu,India,hails from her parent institution Kalai Kaviri,and is the culmination of the vision and dream of her Founder Rev.Msg.S.M.George a visionary and pioneer in promoting fine arts, realizing academic excellence for Indian raditional Gurukula art forms to the level of Ph.D. programme.Kalai Kaviri’s cultural commitment and exemplary standard in training gained from the Part-Time courses of Dance (Bharathanatyam) and Music offered for more than 14 years and from the Full-Time Diploma and Post-Diploma courses affiliated to the Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, earned her the status of Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts in 1996.
We give priority to the students coming from the socially, economically backward communities and from the rural background. The College serves the younger generation with a mission spirit giving the talented and deserving students among these categories, free board and lodging and make concession in hostel fees to many students.

KalaGramam and Kalai kaviri collage of fine arts

MCBS KalaGramam, is the Sub center of Kalai kaviri college of fine arts Thiruchirapalli (Offers University U.G, P.G,Degree Courses ,PhD Programam in dance , music & M.Phil in Music) students can appear for the exams in our school MCBS KalaGramam.


MCBS KalaGramam is also a subcentere of Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts. Its affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr Jayalalitha Music and Fine Arts University, Chennai, approved by the Government of Tamilnadu State is the First College of Fine Arts in the southern region of the country. You can get qualified with Grades and Diplomas in Music from Kalai Kaviri through MCBS KalaGramam. Yearly exams will be conducuted at MCBS KalaGramam.
This Year Exam Schedule
Diploma Exam Registration starteted. Kindly contact at the for more details
Contact us
MCBS KalaGramam, H.O TC 3/2061, LIC Lane, Lakshmi Nagar, Pattom P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 004
0471-2541177, +91 9037667226, +91 8714474719
Contact us
MCBS KalaGramam, H.O TC 3/2061, LIC Lane, Lakshmi Nagar, Pattom P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 004
0471-2541177, +91 9037667226, +91 8714474719